The first project Exploratory Ecology is a project named ExplorEcoLab (Exploratory Ecosystems laboratory) on the study of the effects of climate change on the relations between life cycles of Polyommatus icarus, Lasius niger, Lotus corniculatus and Trifolium repens.
Summary of the project page :
The second project Exploratory Ecology is a project named ExplorCollect (Exploratory Collection) on the creation of a photographic collection and monitoring of butterflies from France, Nigeria and the world.
Summary of the project page :
- ExplorCollect
- Database
- Butterflies of France
- Butterflies of the world
- Butterflies of Nigeria
- References
- Publications
The third project called ExplorPublic (Exploratory Public awareness) is a project to raise public awareness of the protection of biodiversity through various actions: nature outings, social networks, exhibitions, videos, stands, conferences,…