Work in progress

Work in progress

The team is working on the “butterflies of today and tomorrow” exhibition. Come and discover it from November 27 to December 4, 2021 at the Galerie La Pastorale (4 Route de Germignan 33160 Saint-Aubin de Médoc in France):Monday to Thursday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.freeContinue Reading Work in progress

Exhibition “butterflies of today and tomorrow”

Exhibition “butterflies of today and tomorrow”

As part of the Telethon 2021, come and discover the fascinating world of butterflies through our exhibition “butterflies of today and tomorrow” From November 27 to December 4, 2021 in Saint-Aubin de Médoc (south west of France) #naturephotography #macronature #instanature #macrobutterfly #explorecology #insectphotography #wildlifephotography #instagram #macrolove #instagood #wildlife #prettybutterfly #macrophotography #macro_insects #butterflyphotography #saintaubindemedoc #france ©

Exhibition “butterflies of today and tomorrow”

Exhibition “butterflies of today and tomorrow”

As part of the Telethon 2021, come and discover the fascinating world of butterflies through our exhibition “butterflies of today and tomorrow” As part of the Telethon 2021, come and discover the fascinating world of butterflies through our exhibition “butterflies of today and tomorrow” As part of the Telethon 2021, come and discover the fascinatingContinue Reading Exhibition “butterflies of today and tomorrow”

Happy holidays !!!

Happy holidays !!!

 Exploratory Ecology’s team wishes you Happy holidays ! Follow us to find out about our association’s next 2022 biodiversity projects 🙂 #papillon #papillons #butterfly #butterflies #lepidoptera #nature #insecte #insects #insect #macro_beautiful_world #beautiful #naturephotography #macronature #instanature #macrobutterfly #explorecology #insectphotography #wildlifephotography #instagram #macrolove #instagood #wildlife #prettybutterfly #macrophotography #macro_insects #butterflyphotography ©

Nigeria Butterflies Project : Euphaedra hebes

Nigeria Butterflies Project : Euphaedra hebes

 ?? The Butterfly Project in Nigeria continues with new observation! The photographed species Euphaedra hebes occurs in humid forests in good state (to discover the next photos follow us and to discover the project: with the collaboration of : Ekpah Ojonugwa , Federal Ministry of Information and Culture, Nigeria , Wildlife of Africa Conservation Initiative , Nigeria National Park Service , Cross RiverContinue Reading Nigeria Butterflies Project : Euphaedra hebes

ExplorEcpLab project : 1,2,3… 11 butterflies

ExplorEcpLab project : 1,2,3… 11 butterflies

?? In total, 11 butterflies were born. Did you know? Adult butterflies are called imagos. The next stage is breeding. During this period, adults meet through pheromones (substances of sexual attraction) secreted by unfertilized females and olfactory organs of males. To discover ExplorEcoLab project : #papillon #papillons #butterfly #butterflies #lepidoptera #nature #insecte #insects #insectContinue Reading ExplorEcpLab project : 1,2,3… 11 butterflies

ExplorEcoLab : caterpillar growth [Part 3]

ExplorEcoLab : caterpillar growth [Part 3]

?? The small caterpillars in the laboratory are now clearly visible. Compare this photo taken under the x40 microscope with the previous photos. There is only the head which fits in the photo :o). To discover ExplorEcoLab project : #papillon #papillons #butterfly #butterflies #lepidoptera #nature #insecte #insects #insect #macro_beautiful_world #beautiful #naturephotography #macronature #instanature #macrobutterflyContinue Reading ExplorEcoLab : caterpillar growth [Part 3]

ExplorEcoLab : caterpillar growth

ExplorEcoLab : caterpillar growth

?? The little caterpillars in the laboratory grow quickly. They feed on the leaves of Trifolium repens (as in the photo taken under the microscope x40). To discover ExplorEcoLab project : #papillon #papillons #butterfly #butterflies #lepidoptera #nature #insecte #insects #insect #macro_beautiful_world #beautiful #naturephotography #macronature #instanature #macrobutterfly #explorecology #insectphotography #wildlifephotography #instagram #macrolove #instagood #wildlife #prettybutterflyContinue Reading ExplorEcoLab : caterpillar growth