Nigeria Butterfly Project

Nigeria Butterfly Project

 ?? Nigeria butterfly inventory project continues with new species observations in Cross River National Park And Omo Forest Reserve : with the collaboration of : Ekpah Ojonugwa , Federal Ministry of Information and Culture, Nigeria , Wildlife of Africa Conservation Initiative , Nigeria National Park Service , Cross River National Park , Omo Forest Reserve , Wildlife Conservation Society, Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches Entomologiques Béninois. #papillon #papillonsContinue Reading Nigeria Butterfly Project

Glass bottle recycling shop project

Glass bottle recycling shop project

?? The association is currently developing a project to create objects by recycling glass bottles in order to collect donations for its nature protection and awareness activities. Discover on the photo a first creation of mini-terrarium. What do you think? (to find out more about the association : © #recyclage #recycle #bouteilleenverre #association #recyclingContinue Reading Glass bottle recycling shop project

Lucky clover

Lucky clover

?? The White clover or Trifolium repens is a common plant in France that grows in gardens. Its white flowers attract many pollinators like bees and butterflies. This clover has an infrequent four-leaf mutation (1 chance in 10,000) considered to be a lucky charm! (for more information: © #hostplant #plant #plante #trifolium #trifoliumrepens #trefleContinue Reading Lucky clover

Discover the butterflies of France : The Large White

Discover the butterflies of France : The Large White

 ?? The Large White or its scientific name Pieris brassicae is a large white butterfly common in France. The eggs are laid in groups under the leaves of Nasturtiums and Brassicaceae, especially cabbages, hence its name. This butterfly is found in Europe, North Africa and temperate Asia. To discover other butterflies : #papillon #papillons #butterfly #butterflies #lepidopteraContinue Reading Discover the butterflies of France : The Large White

Happy new year 2021!

Happy new year 2021!

?? Exploratory Ecology’s team wishes you a Happy new year ! #papillon #papillons #butterfly #butterflies #lepidoptera #nature #insecte #insects #insect #macro_beautiful_world #beautiful #naturephotography #macronature #instanature #macrobutterfly #explorecology #insectphotography #wildlifephotography #instagram #macrolove #instagood #wildlife #prettybutterfly #macrophotography #macro_insects #butterflyphotography ©

Happy holidays!

Happy holidays!

?? Toute l’équipe d’Exploratory Ecology vous souhaite de joyeuses fêtes !?? Exploratory Ecology’s team wishes you Happy holidays ! #papillon #papillons #butterfly #butterflies #lepidoptera #nature #insecte #insects #insect #macro_beautiful_world #beautiful #naturephotography #macronature #instanature #macrobutterfly #explorecology #insectphotography #wildlifephotography #instagram #macrolove #instagood #wildlife #prettybutterfly #macrophotography #macro_insects #butterflyphotography ©

Butterflies of Nigeria : Bicyclus martius sanaos

Butterflies of Nigeria : Bicyclus martius sanaos

 ?? Bicyclus martius sanaos is a common forest butterfly also found in secondary growth. Males come out into sunshine along forest paths where fighting and courtship take place (to discover other species visit our website: with the collaboration of : Ekpah Ojonugwa , Federal Ministry of Information and Culture, Nigeria , Wildlife of Africa Conservation Initiative , Nigeria National Park Service , Cross RiverContinue Reading Butterflies of Nigeria : Bicyclus martius sanaos

Our association participates in the telethon

Our association participates in the telethon

Our association Exploratory Ecology is mobilizing for the Telethon in Saint-Aubin de Médoc (in France) ! We are auctioning photos of butterflies photographed by the association. Ecological Ethics Téléthon Saint Aubin de Médoc Ville de Saint-Aubin de MédocTéléthon #papillon #Telethon2020 #explorecology #encheres #saintaubindemedoc #ecologie #nature #ecoresponsable #bio #instagram ©

Our association participates in the telethon

Our association participates in the telethon

Our association Exploratory Ecology is mobilizing for the Telethon in Saint-Aubin de Médoc (in France) ! We are auctioning photos of butterflies photographed by the association. Ecological Ethics Téléthon Saint Aubin de Médoc Ville de Saint-Aubin de MédocTéléthon #papillon #Telethon2020 #explorecology #encheres #saintaubindemedoc #ecologie #nature #ecoresponsable #bio #instagram ©