Discover butterflies in France : The Berger’s Clouded Yellow

Discover butterflies in France : The Berger’s Clouded Yellow

?? The Berger’s Clouded Yellow or Colias alfacariensis is generally found in dry calcareous lawns. The determination of this species is difficult because it can be confused with Colias hyale. The study of genitals or genitalia allows a more precise determination. #papillon #papillons #butterfly #butterflies #lepidoptera #nature #insecte #insectes #insects #insect #macro_beautiful_world #beautiful #naturephotography #macronature #instanatureContinue Reading Discover butterflies in France : The Berger’s Clouded Yellow

Exhibition project for Telethon

Exhibition project for Telethon

Wednesday, our association participated in the meeting of the Telethon of Saint-Aubin de Médoc? whose mission is to advance scientific research on genetic diseases. The opportunity to discover the new team ? and discuss the association’s participation in the Telethon from December 4-5 with the project for our exhibition on « butterflies of today and tomorrow »?

Discover butterflies of France : The Black-veined

Discover butterflies of France : The Black-veined

?? The Black-veined White or Aporia crataegi is a large butterfly with white wings with black veined. It is particularly observed in the undergrowths with its host plants Crataegus and Prunus. This butterfly was once abundant in France. Intensive agriculture, the destruction of hedges and the use of pesticides have contributed to the disappearance ofContinue Reading Discover butterflies of France : The Black-veined