Discover butterflies of the world : Morpho

Discover butterflies of the world : Morpho

?? Morpho butterflies are among the largest butterflies with a wingspan of around 20 cm. These butterflies are found in the tropical forests of Central and South America. The underside of the wings contains ocelli (round spots) imitating eyes of birds to scare these predators. #papillon #papillons #butterfly #butterflies #lepidoptera #nature #insecte #insectes #insects #insectContinue Reading Discover butterflies of the world : Morpho

Poll on snake-owl butterfly

Poll on snake-owl butterfly

??Following the poll on this butterfly photo below? what do you see? a snake ? or an owl ?. The majority of people answered that the tips of the butterfly’s wings resembles a snake’s head. According to some scientists, the drawings on its wings help repel predators.

Mini greenhouse creation based on recycling

Mini greenhouse creation based on recycling

?? Plastic bottles, Toilet Paper Rolls and cardboard packaging for eggs,… do not throw them away… these elements can be recycled to grow seeds. We use these methods for our project to recreate butterfly-plant-ants relationships in the laboratory. But they can be used to grow plants for your garden (flowers, vegetables, fruits). The plastic bottlesContinue Reading Mini greenhouse creation based on recycling

Discover butterflies of the world : Macroglossum stellatarum

Discover butterflies of the world : Macroglossum stellatarum

?? In these times of lockdown, the association offers you to travel and escape from your home through butterflies photos of the world. The butterfly in this photo is a Humming-bird Hawk-moth or Macroglossum stellatarum a migratory butterfly that is found in much of Eurasia and North Africa. Here the photo was taken in CreteContinue Reading Discover butterflies of the world : Macroglossum stellatarum