Discover butterflies : The Sooty Cooper

Discover butterflies : The Sooty Cooper

The Sooty Copper or Lycaena tityrus is another species of Copper whose reflections of wings similar to color of copper. As most of these characteristic species, this butterfly has eggs look like a tiny golf ball. #papillon #butterfly #butterflies #lepidoptera #nature #insects #macro #beautiful #naturephotography #macronature #lycaena #lycaenatityrus #sootycopper #instanature #macrobutterfly #macro_perfection #explorecology #insectphotography #wildlifephotographyContinue Reading Discover butterflies : The Sooty Cooper

Discover butterflies : The Small Copper

Discover butterflies : The Small Copper

The Small Copper or Lycaena phlaeas is a small orange butterfly present in all departments of France. The peculiarity of this species is that the males vigorously defend their small territory against intrusion of other males or any other passing insects. #wildlifeprotection #papillon #butterfly #butterflies #lepidoptera #nature #biodiversité #biodiversity #insecte #insects #macro #fauna #beautiful #naturephotographyContinue Reading Discover butterflies : The Small Copper

Discover butterflies : The Old World swallowtail

Discover butterflies : The Old World swallowtail

The Old World swallowtail or Papilio machaon is a large butterfly and the most widespread of swallowtail of the Papilionidae family in France. You can observe it in your garden or on the Greek island of Crete like this specimen photographed. #wildlifeprotection #papillon #butterfly #butterflies #lepidoptera #nature #biodiversité #biodiversity #insecte #insects #macro #fauna #beautiful #naturephotographyContinue Reading Discover butterflies : The Old World swallowtail

Discover butterflies of the world : The Cramer’s Eighty-eight

Discover butterflies of the world : The Cramer’s Eighty-eight

Do you know the Cramer’s Eighty-eight butterfly ? This little butterfly has the particularity of having spots on the hindwings that look like the number 88. It is found in the rainforest especially in the Iguazú National Park. © #wildlifeprotection #papillons #butterfly #butterflies #lepidoptera #nature #biodiversité #biodiversity #insectes #insects #macro #fauna #beautiful #naturephotography #macronatureContinue Reading Discover butterflies of the world : The Cramer’s Eighty-eight



The Scarce Swallowtail or Iphiclides podalirius is a big butterfly living in dry natural environment (from 5 to 7 cm). During the breeding period, adults fly up to on a hilltop and gather to breed (called Hill-topping). #wildlifeprotection #papillons #butterfly #butterflies #lepidoptera #nature #biodiversité #biodiversity #insectes #insects #macro #fauna #beautiful #naturephotography #macronature #Iphiclides #Iphiclidespodalirius  #flambé #ScarceSwallowtailContinue Reading DISCOVER BUTTERFLIES : Scarce Swallowtail

Discover butterflies : The short-tailed Blue

Discover butterflies : The short-tailed Blue

The short-tailed Blue or Cupido argiades is a butterfly of wet natural environment and rarely abundant. It has a typical slow and low flight. #wildlifeprotection #papillons #butterfly #butterflies #lepidoptera #nature #biodiversité #biodiversity #insectes #insects #macro #fauna #beautiful #naturephotography #macronature #cupido #cupidoargiades #sazurédutrèfle #Short-tailedBlue #instanature #macro #macrobutterfly #macro_perfection #france #nouvelleaquitaine #europe #explorecology



The Large Skipper or Ochlodes sylvanus is the most common short-winged butterfly (Family Hesperiidae) of France. This butterfly has the particularity of having very developed thoracic muscles allowing a flapping of wings up to 20 beats per second. -> To discover other butterflies follow us 🙂 #wildlifeprotection #papillons #butterfly #butterflies #lepidoptera #nature #biodiversité #biodiversity #insectesContinue Reading DISCOVER BUTTERFLIES : The Large Skipper

Discover butterflies : Painted Lady

Discover butterflies : Painted Lady

The Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui) is a diurnal species the most widespread in the world. This butterfly can be seen in Asia, Africa, North America, Europe and Oceania. You can also discover the beauty of other butterflies through the ExplorCollect project on: #wildlifeprotection #butterfly #butterflies #lepidoptera #nature #biodiversity #insectes #insects #macro #fauna #beautiful #naturephotographyContinue Reading Discover butterflies : Painted Lady

Discover butterflies : The Red Admiral

Discover butterflies : The Red Admiral

The Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) is one of the most studied migratory butterflies. This common butterfly colonizes every year from the south central and northern Europe. And you? Did you meet this butterfly this summer in your garden? You can also discover the beauty of other butterflies through the ExplorCollect project on: #wildlifeprotection #papillonsContinue Reading Discover butterflies : The Red Admiral