New project ExplorCollect

New project ExplorCollect

[ExplorCollect] The ExplorCollect project is an exploratory collection of photos on biodiversity specially Lepidoptera (butterflies) from France and the world. The purpose of this collection is twofold: a scientific objective to contribute to the knowledge of these species by the acquisition of localized inventory data of species in time and space, a goal of awareness raising to discoverContinue Reading New project ExplorCollect

Life cycles of host plants of the butterfly Polyommatus icarus

Life cycles of host plants of the butterfly Polyommatus icarus

[In English] The life cycle of the butterfly Polyommatus icarus is dependent on the life cycles of its host plants such as Lotus corniculatus and Trifolium repens. Its caterpillar feeds exclusively on the leaves and flowers of its host plants. These nectariferous plants are also an important food source for imagos or adult butterflies. #ecologyContinue Reading Life cycles of host plants of the butterfly Polyommatus icarus

Life cycle of Common Blue butterfly

Life cycle of Common Blue butterfly

[In English] Life cycle of Common Blue butterfly Exploratory Ecology makes you discover the amazing life of the butterfly Polyommatus icarus a nice little butterfly common that you can observe in your garden. click here #butterfly # ecology #caterpillar #chrysalis #nature #polyommatusicarus #commonblue #explorecology ©