What is this butterfly?
What is this butterfly? A clue : this species is studied by Exploratory Ecology and to discover on www.explorecology.com #ecology #biodiversity #nature #explorecology ©explorecology.com
What is this butterfly? A clue : this species is studied by Exploratory Ecology and to discover on www.explorecology.com #ecology #biodiversity #nature #explorecology ©explorecology.com
On Thursday 20th June 2019, our President Fanny Mallard attended a round table on female entrepreneurship organized on the four-masted barque the Kruzenshtern in Bordeaux by Caisse d’Epargne Aquitaine Poitou-Charentes. This evening allowed to exchange with women entrepreneurs with various backgrounds and to present actions of the association Expoloratory Ecology. #femaleentrepreneurship #explorecology ©explorecology.com
The Common Bird’s-foot-trefoil is one of the host plants of the #butterfly Polyommatus icarus studied in the ExplorEcolab project. #ecology #biodiversity #nature #explorecology ©explorecology.com
[Trifolium repens] The White Clover studied in the project ExplorEcolab is a common plant of gardens, melliferous and host plant of the #butterfly Polyommatus icarus. #ecology #biodiversity #nature #explorecology ©explorecology.com
[ExplorEcolab] Integration of host plants of the Polyommatus icarus butterfly into the ExplorEcolab laboratory #ecology #biodiversity #nature #explorecology ©explorecology.com
[Explorable Project] Creation of the living space of the #butterfly Polyommatus icarus and its host plants ecology #biodiversity #nature #explorecology ©explorecology.com
[Explorable Project] Finalization of the #ants observation vivarium: incorporation of sterilized substrate ecology #biodiversity #nature #explorecology ©explorecology.com
[ExplorEcolab Project] Creation of the #ants observation vivarium : installation of red film to create darkness conditions for the nest because ants do not see the red #ecology #biodiversity #nature #explorecology ©explorecology.com
[ExplorEcolab Project] Creation of the #ants vivarium : substrate sterilization step #ecology #biodiversity #nature #explorecology ©explorecology.com